So it's been a while since I've had something to write about. I guess that means life is perfect right? You wish.
Giftmas came and went. I don't know about you guys but I just love Giftmas. All the cards, decorations, lights, cookies, fudge and the awesomeness of decorating a tree-- I just love it. I look forward to it all year. Oh wait! Can't forget the most important part of the whole season!! Gifts! Presents! There's nothing that warms your heart more than seeing brightly wrapped packages under the tree with your name on them, and if you're like me, seeing brightly wrapped packages that I wrapped with someone else's name on them makes me feel even cozier inside. I just love making cards and presents for everyone I know. Ah, Giftmas. A season of giving and
getting. Great right?
Oops. I just noticed a large spelling error I made throughout the first part of my blog, right up there, see it? Sorry, guys. I meant to write Christmas. Christ mas.
You noticed, right? Of course you did. It was obvious. But did you notice before? Did you notice when you woke up on Gif-- ahem, Christmas morning with your family, whether bright and early, or whenever you felt like it, and you all sat down in front of your tree and dove into the sea of boxed-up joy and joyness?
Did you stop to remember what the original Christmas gift was and who it was from? Did you stop to think about what it means?
I didn't. Not until the last piece of wrapping paper had been torn off the last present.
How many of you grew up reading the Christmas story, about Baby Jesus being born in a manger to save ALL of us, before you even touched a present under the tree? I did.
How dare we even think that we have the right to grab those gifts with our grubby little paws without taking a SECOND to remember the God of the universe who came down in a form of a Baby, who sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, for the sake of those who laugh in his face and scorn the cross, for my sake, and yours?
Now calm down if you were one of the ones who read the Christmas story. Calm down if you had Christ on your heart all season. Calm down if you think I'm bashing gifts or the holiday cheer, I'm not. Calm down. Why get ticked at me? I'm sticking up for my Saviour's birthday being turned into someone, or something, else's day. And if you agree with me, and if you know you never gave him a second thought, don't calm down. Get upset! GET ANNOYED at yourself!
And you know what? While we're at it, why is the whole holiday not wrapped around Christ in your heart? It's not just something to remember before you open gifts, it's not just the Christmas Eve service you so dutifully attend, whatever motions you go through to "keep Christ in Christmas" that's NOT ENOUGH. When you go to a wedding, do you take three minutes to say, "hey, there's the bride and groom. How great for them. Isn't that happy. Thanks for inviting me!" and then promptly moving on and pig out on all the food and drink and feel good about yourself because you took a few mere moments to acknowledge the reason for the celebration. Jeez, now that that's over you can enjoy yourself, right?
If all I'm doing is ranting to myself, that's fine. I'm only responsible for me. But if you've been upset or convicted by what I've put forth today, share your thoughts. Maybe not here, to me, or the rest of the online world who reads this, but maybe share it with the person who's birthday you forgot or watered down. After all, he's the only one that matters in the end.
Happy New Year. Make it start out right.