So many people talk. They talk about this, they talk about that and who and what and why me-- but not many people listen. i don't listen. Do you listen? Can you think of a time where someone, friend or not, was telling you one of their opinions and you had to press your lips together from blurting out how stupid you thought they were? Dr. McDuffy, a teacher at Moody for those of you who don't know, says, "Stupid is being held hostage to your own opinion." Sure we all laugh and marvel at how profound he is but do we notice the countless times a day when we are held captive by our thoughts? "Nah, it doesn't happen to me..." we all say. Well it does. All the time. So much that we will take our favorite incarcerated word "stupid" and apply it to everything.
Has anyone else noticed that we've turned our entire world into a stupid, dirty place where stupid people do stupid things?
Has anyone noticed that living in a stupid world is upsetting?
What if we shut up for once and kept out stupid opinions to ourselves? After all, they are just opinions, and opinions are relative because we live in a post-modern world where everyone does what's right in their own eyes.
You know who's opinion isn't stupid? God's. What if we tried to have His opinion once and a while? How about all the time? Bet you can't do it. BET YOU CAN'T MAKE YOURSELF REMEMBER TO DO IT. You know why? Because you're stupid too, just like me.
You know what I'm going to do for the next three days? Try and withold the word STUPID. I'll try to never say it. THREE DAYS. Let's you and me do it. Let's give up ourselves and listen-- for once. Let me know how it goes.
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