Halloween: The " Hallowed Eve" of All Saint's Day. What is All Saint's day? This is the day where all Saints, known and unknown, who have obtained the beatific vision in heaven are celebrated/commemorated. What's the beatific vision? A visual perception of God. So, where do we get whatever it is we do on October 31st? Check out this line of history:
The Celtic holiday "Samhain" was celebrated October 31st - November 1st and it was a symbol to mark the end of the harvest. The people believed that the border between this world and the spiritual world became thin on Samhain; because some animals and plants were dying, it thus allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living. The Gaelic custom of wearing costumes and masks was an attempt to copy the spirits or placate them. Turnips were hollowed-out and carved with faces to make lanterns and were also used to ward off harmful spirits. This holiday eventually became associated with the Christian holiday of All Saints Day.

So here we are. LOOK HOW CUTE! The little ghosties and pumkins and crossy in the graveyard! Don't forget the little bunny with the skull on his ear.
The world has taken this spirit-placating ritual and turned it into something scary. I mean, fun. We carve pumpkins because it's easier than carving turnips. We dress up as characters, ghosts, witches, and whatever else society has told us we need to fear or placate, such as murderers with chainsaws.TRICK OR TREAT! Hey mister, you gimme candy or I throw eggs at your car!
Good times, eh?
Good times, eh?
The first time I experienced western, commercialized Halloween was in 6th grade. I was in Canada going to public school and my Mom called up another girl's mom and asked if I could go trick o' treating with them. (Yep. That's how popular I was) I dressed up like a Renaissance princess and threw on my winter coat and got out there! It was great. I got candy in my pillowcase from little old ladies that smelled like prunes. I was enjoying myself, until we went to the haunted house. I can still feel the fear clutching my insides to this day. We descended a long, dark staircase into a red lit room. There were body parts all over the floor. (I was eleven, guys, gimme a break.) The mom I was with started to clutch my arms harder as we shuffled through the disgusting mess. My heart raced and pounded in my ears as things moved and jumped all around us, but everything stopped when we got to a large room with nothing but a chair in the middle. A chair with a dark, hooded figure slumped over. You couldn't see it's face. We could see the exit just outside the room and we were headed straight for it, inching around the thing in the chair, when I lost my breath. It disappeared. You know that scream that isn't really a scream? It happened. The thing in the chair raised only it's head. A skeletal, flesh-stretched, empty head with wide bulging eyes and a grimace ready to devour. "I am the evil one," it whispered, moving only it's mouth. At that moment the mom who was digging her claws into my arms gave a guttural cry and harshly shoved me towards the door. I scampered as fast as I could to get out but I could feel it watching me, chasing me even. I knew it was right behind me I could feel it! Closer and closer it almost had me! Then I was outside. And it wasn't behind me. I was eleven. Canadian Halloween wasn't fun anymore.
I grew up in Ukraine. You know what their decorations are for Halloween? No pumpkins with happy faces, colored leaves, cute little ghosties and funny dancing skeletons. They had decapitated dolls with blood smeared on their faces. Satanic symbols. Statues of demonic creatures. Posters of possessed children with white eyes. You know why? Because they wanted to be like North America and celebrate this awesome time of fright and bite, but they missed the memo that everything was supposed to be fake.
Halloween therefore became a celebration of all that is dead and/or evil. Does that sound like something Christians should be associated with? And you wondered why your church always threw a "fall/festival/party" thingie in their gym on October 31st.
What people don't realize is that while they're eating candy corn and telling spooky stories about hooks being left on car doors is that in other parts of the world girls are being abducted and sacrificed to Satan by witches and warlocks because they know it's their night to shine. Oh yes, it happens. Shocked? Halloween is not all fun and games. It's real. Just like ghosts are not just happy whispy sheet things, they are otherwise known as demons and they have real power. And you know what's even scarier than that? It here. In your America. It's infiltrating the happy holiday you've created and turning it into something else and you don't even see it. But those of us who know what it could be see it behind every corner. Be on guard.
What's wrong with candy? Everyone eats candy. - Nothing.
What's wrong with costumes? It's just dressing up! - Nothing.
What's wrong with pumpkins? They're just lit-up gourds! - Nothing.
What wrong with being spooked? Everyone likes a good scare! - Nothing.
What's wrong with pretending that it all means nothing? - Everything.
The meaning behind Halloween is huge. For some people it's a festival of orange and black. For others, it's a thing of great evil that they've seen. Don't forget that what you take delight in could be somebody else's nightmare.
Is it possible that it might not really be worth it?
So go ahead. Have fun. Trick and treat, scare and scream, get decked out to your hearts delight, but don't forget what you're doing and what it could mean to the person next to you on the street; the person who you could be sharing Christ with.
Hey, here's a thought. If Jesus were to hang with you on Halloween night and go all trick 'o treatin', what would he dress up as?
I grew up in Ukraine. You know what their decorations are for Halloween? No pumpkins with happy faces, colored leaves, cute little ghosties and funny dancing skeletons. They had decapitated dolls with blood smeared on their faces. Satanic symbols. Statues of demonic creatures. Posters of possessed children with white eyes. You know why? Because they wanted to be like North America and celebrate this awesome time of fright and bite, but they missed the memo that everything was supposed to be fake.
Halloween therefore became a celebration of all that is dead and/or evil. Does that sound like something Christians should be associated with? And you wondered why your church always threw a "fall/festival/party" thingie in their gym on October 31st.
What people don't realize is that while they're eating candy corn and telling spooky stories about hooks being left on car doors is that in other parts of the world girls are being abducted and sacrificed to Satan by witches and warlocks because they know it's their night to shine. Oh yes, it happens. Shocked? Halloween is not all fun and games. It's real. Just like ghosts are not just happy whispy sheet things, they are otherwise known as demons and they have real power. And you know what's even scarier than that? It here. In your America. It's infiltrating the happy holiday you've created and turning it into something else and you don't even see it. But those of us who know what it could be see it behind every corner. Be on guard.
What's wrong with candy? Everyone eats candy. - Nothing.
What's wrong with costumes? It's just dressing up! - Nothing.
What's wrong with pumpkins? They're just lit-up gourds! - Nothing.
What wrong with being spooked? Everyone likes a good scare! - Nothing.
What's wrong with pretending that it all means nothing? - Everything.
The meaning behind Halloween is huge. For some people it's a festival of orange and black. For others, it's a thing of great evil that they've seen. Don't forget that what you take delight in could be somebody else's nightmare.
Is it possible that it might not really be worth it?
And who's celebration is Halloween? Do you think it matters to him how you've changed it? It's still his day. Isn't it? Think about that.So go ahead. Have fun. Trick and treat, scare and scream, get decked out to your hearts delight, but don't forget what you're doing and what it could mean to the person next to you on the street; the person who you could be sharing Christ with.
Hey, here's a thought. If Jesus were to hang with you on Halloween night and go all trick 'o treatin', what would he dress up as?
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Phillippians 4:8
Phillippians 4:8
Interesting history, Cheri! I didn't know the Celtic roots before. I agree that we need to understand the evil that truly takes place on Halloween, and I'm not much for terrorizing myself, personally. (Can't watch horror films or nightmares will definitely ensue.) It's hard to find a good balance, though, between understanding fully what the holiday's background is but not allowing Satan to have the fun of knowing that we're scared of whatever power he holds on this day. Whatever we choose to do or not do on Halloween (dress up, trick or treat, etc.), if we do so in/for the Lord - for we are the Lord's - then He has already given us the freedom to make that choice, and He has also given us the Spirit to protect our hearts and minds as we engage in the culture He has placed us in.
ReplyDeleteGod said: "One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats (candy, if you will), does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God." {Romans 14:6}
Again, I love the history lesson you've given, and I appreciate your perspective, coming from Ukraine. We should be fully aware of what this holiday means for people around the world! At the same time, we should not fear ANYTHING but fully trust in the One who has already defeated the powers of darkness. :)
And now for something completely different. :) I love this background picture you've chosen! Though if I might, I'd suggest maybe adding more contrast to your font color, cause the gray words are sometimes hard to see against the background.
Love ya, girl! Good post!
haha... forget what I just said about the font color. Apparently my computer hadn't loaded the page properly, so I didn't have the darker background behind the words! :P Looks great!
ReplyDeleteYES finally someone who agrees with me! I don't associate at all with halloween and I am definitely skipping my church's "Fall Festival" which is conspicuously on Halloween weekend. HMMM. Thanks for posting this :)
ReplyDeleteHi Cheri, I agree with what you have written, over the years I have grown to hate Halloween and everything it represents. It's not about cute kids in costumes, it's the celebration of darkness, evil, torture and death. The very people who celebrate halloween are shocked when they read about a woman being raped, murdered and then having her body mutilated or burned by their attacker to hide the crime. Or a family who is bludgeoned or shot to death by a loved one who also kills himself either through a gunshot or hanging. Just the other day I saw a house which portrayed bodies in a hangman's knot hanging from it's trees in celebration of halloween. As Christians we should have no part of this celebration. Our children need to learn that the depiction of evil, death, mutilations and suicide is not something to laugh at or mock. Jesus brings light and life, Satan brings darkness and death. Halloween is a celebration of darkness and therefore a celebration of Satan.
And the reason why I hate Holloween! I totally agree with you Cheri! Very few people know that history and even fewer take it seriously, which is really sad. Question though...I have to work on Friday which is the downtown Holloween walk, which is when all the store downtown will pass out candy to the kids. So I have to dress up (not scary of course cause they're kids! THANK GOD!) but do you think it's bad that I do that? I mean is that a bad witness? I can't back out of it now, but I was just curious. I didn't think much about it cause I wouldn't be dressing up all scary like and it's not on the day of Halloween.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's bad, Cath. God knows your heart. And who knows, maybe this is extreme, but maybe you can share the gospel. ;) haha. Dress up as a Bible Character and hand out tracts with the candy. (someone here at moody did that actually. they had guts!) Be a light in the dark. that what you have to do in the secular workplace. <3 God's plan is perfect. See what he thinks about it.