What do they all have in common? Must I say it? You know.
I've spent years admiring these people, quoting them, trying to sound like them, laughing at their jokes, crushing on them, listening to their music, memorizing their lyrics, and getting goosebumps at hearing their voice. Why? because they have God-given talent, some of them have the biggest dose of talent I've ever seen.
I've mentioned this topic before, but this time I really want to put it out there. How do we as Christians treat those who are living Homosexual lifestyles? Not very well, I think.
Who out there doesn't know "Candle in the Wind?" Who out there actually knows bother version and who they were written for? How about "Benny and the Jets?" "Your Song?" Hey, here's one, "Circle of Life", or any of the music from Disney's "The Lion King"? Sir Elton John is one of the most influential artists of all time. He's been knighted for crying out loud. I know people who listen to his music all the time and sing along.
Those same people see the Ellen show on TV and say "Gross. Disgusting."
Why? Because Ellen is a strong woman who stands up for what she believes in?
HEY! look here. Homosexuality is wrong. I disapprove of it. God forbids it. (just in case you thought otherwise for a moment) And I DON'T every want to give the impression I support those who are actively pushing gay marriage or anything of the sort, but this is what I''m trying to say:
Don't boycott them. Don't say, "Ew", every time they appear on TV or the radio. Don't say "I'm not listening to that song because the guy who wrote it is gay."
"Oh man, I love the "Passion of the Christ" movie, but I'm not watching it because Mel Gibson is Anti-Sematic."
"Oh man, I'm not letting my kid watch "Finding Nemo" because a lesbian is the voice of Dory."
"Oh man, I'm plugging my ears every time I hear music by Mozart because he was an adulterer and a fornicator."
This is all the same to me. Do you see where I'm coming from? It's not wonder homosexuals today stay away from the church, they all think we'll clench our eyes and plug our ears if they enter our presence.
GAY MARRIAGE is being legalized, guys. HOMOSEXUALITY is becoming "okay" in the world. IT'S HAPPENING whether us Christians like it or not. So we can't plug our ears, we can't turn our backs.
How about statements like these instead of changing channels with a disgusted scoff?
Ellen DeGeneres is hilarious, she does incredible things for needy people, but we don't support her lifestyle.
Adam Lambert has the best voice in the world, his talent on and off Broadway is above and beyond, but we don't support his lifestyle.
Ian McKellen is Gandalf and Magneto. He is awesome. But we don't support his lifestyle.
Jodi Foster is an incredible actor, one of my favorites, but I don't support her lifestyle.
Those of you who follow my blog know what I'll say next.
I'M NOT TRYING TO OFFEND. I'm just saying what I think.
We shouldn't accept homosexuality. We shouldn't tolerate it. We shouldn't let it bounce off our shells. We shouldn't pretend like it doesn't matter. BUT WHAT WE SHOULD DO is treat these people with the respect and dignity every human being deserves from us. because that's what Jesus would do. He'd open his arms to them. He'd look them in the eye. He'd heal them. He wouldn't turn up his nose or avoid the market stall they owned.
Let's not be the sign holders. Sin is sin. It is all the same. Make any argument you want for how some sins are worse than others, but then remember that even if the only thing you'd ever done was told a white lie, you'd still be unworthy of Heaven.
You don't boycott yourself or your friends for lying or gossiping. Try to be consistent.
-----All for Him----- <><
I love you, dear girl. A giant AMEN to your words here.