Monday, January 23, 2012



Why do things never stay "fine?"

I've been graduated from college almost a year. Doesn't feel that long. And yet it feels like an eternity that I've been out here in the big scarey world, all grown up and independent, with big grown up problems. Sometimes I wish I could transport myself back ten years where all I had to worry about was my bedroom, which pair of overalls looked the coolest, and which NSYNC song I should memorize the lyrics to next.

I don't know if I've ever ranted about the apartment managers we have or not. If I have, feel free to skip ahead. If I haven't, check this out.

When we first got here, the apartments seemed too good to be true. Spacious, good condition, a pool outside, and decent rent. All which are true. But one must remember, even Paradise seems like hell if you have a malicious dictator running it. The first sign was the pool.
ME: So, the rule that we can only have one guest  in the pool per resident... what if my parents and brother-in-law come over? That's only one over the rule... would I have to make my mother-in-law sit outside the fence and watch?
MANAGER:.... Yes.
I couldn't believe it at the time. So we never had friends come over and use the pool unless it was only two of them at a time. Think that's not too bad? How about this.
ME: So, there's ciggarette smoke coming in through our vents in the bathroom. And I'm allergic to smoke. Can you do something about it?
MANAGER: Well, we can't really tell the other tenants to stop smoking, so, I dunno what we can do about it.
ME (a week later when it happened again): So, that smoke is still coming in and it's getting ridiculous. Can you please do something about it?
MANAGER: Well... those vents don't actually connect to other people's vents. So. It's not cigarrette smoke.
ME: Yes it is. I know what cigarrette smoke smells like.
MANAGER: Well, I'll send someone over.
They never did. Every once and a while, smoke still comes in our bathroom and I get a nice pretty headache. Still think that's not bad? How about this story? (believe me, I have a point and I'm getting to it.)
NOTE ON DOOR: We've been getting complaints about your piano. Come to the office.
ME (at office): So, I got this.
MANAGER: Oh yes. You can't play the piano that loud.
ME: That loud? It's a piano, sir, there's only one volume setting.
MANAGER: Well you've been playing it after midnight.
ME: No sir, I have not. 
MANAGER (pretty much yelling by now): Yes you have and it's disturbing the peace. I can't have you disturbing the peace of the other residents.
ME (pretty angry): It's a piano sir, not a rave.
MANAGER: Young lady you are not the manager of this apartment, I am! And if you keep disturbing the peace we just can't have that! Some people go to bed at 7pm and if they can't sleep...
ME: Well what about when smoke was coming into my apartment? That was disturbing my peace and you told me to suck it up and get over it. How is this any different? They can get earplugs.
MANAGER: It is different!
ME: How so?
MANAGER:... it just is.
More yelling at me ensued. I left. I don't usually get enraged at strangers, but this man had my blood boiling. So now comes the last and final part. Apparently, we made a mistake in the rules of the apartment and now have one pet too many. Yes, one pet too many. Huge, monumental deal here. So, we have to get rid of one immediately because they say so. No exceptions, nothing. Apparently, some of our friends who live in the same complex got screamed at because their brother had brought his dog over for the day and they didn't know that wasn't allowed. AND, get this, one of the rules (nameless rule) was enforced because the manager was accused of spying on people through their windows.

I was looking over our lease today, seeing if we could get out of it and move, like, NOW, and apparently one of the clauses states that not even a DEATH in the family will get out out of the lease.
Shoot me now.

But this blog post isn't titled "10 Things I Hate About My Managers". It's titled, *sigh*. Because that's how I feel. 
I had a job for a while which took us through the Christmas holidays, which was awesome, but they couldn't keep me because they didn't have hours for me. *sigh*
Managers are evicting my puppy. *sigh*
We could move but it would cost 900$  to get out of the lease.*sigh*
I still live in the same apartments where the managers are evicting my puppy from. *sigh*
I gained back the 5 pounds I lost before the holidays. *sigh*
I want a big chunk of money to fall into my lap. *sigh*
Every time I write a blog post it's depressing. *sigh*

So tell me friends, what is the secret to not feeling *sigh* when things fall apart? It would be nice and easy to say, "Don't worry. God will work it out." And it's totally true. I'm not worried at all. I'm totally fine. But I'm ANNOYED and TIRED.
How does one get not ANNOYED or TIRED? Maybe it's impossible not to. I guess, what I'm looking for, is what does one do when one gets ANNOYED and TIRED?

Does it ever feel like all you're doing in life is hopping from one problem to the next? Like, if things are going well, you might as well suit up for battle because you know a fight must be around the corner? Or does it just feel like that because bad things suck up more energy than good things so the bad things are the ones that stick in your mind?
A pan flute just came on the radio. Reminds me of my childhood. I feel better.